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Is Marra back?

Reports have started to come out of Maryport harbour, Cumbria, England that Marra, the dolphin that was 'rescued' from the harbour in January, has been spotted 12 miles off the coast.

There are conflicting reports as to whether this is actually Marra but the RSPCA, WDCS and BDMLR have warned about going too close to the dolphin due to fears of 'humanising' and attracting him back to the harbour. They have also issued a warning saying that dolphins are a protected species after reports that stones were being thrown at Marra.

Marra was spotted on the 31st April by fishermen Sillforth in a pod of 6 dolphins, which he left to follow the boat.

This is, no doubt, not the last we are going to hear about Marra, which in many ways is reminiscent of Dony's visits to the South West Coast of England.

Links to the BBC news reports of Marra's sightings:



Date Posted: 12/05/2006
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