With the air temperature just a few degrees above freezing a bonfire was suggested at the beach today, an inspired idea. We lugged a fish box full of wood down, along with all our gear, and the first thing we did was to get the fire blazing away. Aidan was out in his boat so we watched and waited for a while before deciding whether or not to get in as Fungie was having a ball with him. After a while, Aidan brought the boat up on the beach, giving the swimmers a chance to get some action, good on him. At this stage I was happier staying beside the now roaring fire, and so watched in admiration as Nick, Jen and OJ launched themselves into the cold water. It was all worth it as Fungie was only too happy to warm them all up by giving them a bit of action. Not as lively and jumpy as he has been but full of energy none the less. With the light fading the shivering swimmers dragged them selves out of the water happy to dry off and warm up in front of the fire.
Suzanne Murtagh
Water time - 25 mins
Fungie time - 10 mins
Swimmers - Nick, OJ, Jenny, Ute ( A friend from Germany)