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Monday 31st December 2001

New Years Eve. A beautiful winters day, with all sorts of craft out on the water. The group of swimmers we had hoped for ended up only being Nick Jamie and myself, and Laura on hand with hot port. It really was cold, and I decided as soon as I got there that it would have to be straight in or else I wasn’t going to swim at all. So I kitted up and threw myself into the freezing water. Aidan was out in his boat, and Fungie was hanging out with him, totally ignoring little old me, so I cheated, and jumped onto Aidan’s boat for a quick blast. I have to say that it was good fun though after a few minutes I jumped off and headed for shore with the chill of the day kicking in. With ice on the ground I was happy to get into my warm dry clothes. And that was the last swim of the year 2001. My God, what a year its been.
Suzanne Murtagh
Date Posted: 31/12/2001
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