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Irish Dolphins - Interactions between dolphins and people.  Including Fungie the Dingle Dolphin
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Wednesday, 13th February

Beautiful weather today so the swimmers flocked to the beach, well three of us did anyway. I decided to kayak out there today so that I could get a closer look at the wreck, whilst Nick and OJ swam. Fungie had a look at the kayak when I first arrived but that was the only attention he paid to it.
The divers were just leaving the wreck when I arrived, clearing their salvage equipment from both the Celestial Dawn and the cliffs. Now we have to see what happens to the wreck itself now that its pollution risk has been nullified.
Back to Fungie, who seemed happy playing with a rib that had come out for a visit. He did a series of jumps whenever the boat tried to leave, but eventually came over for a quick spin with OJ when the motor boat went back to the harbour.
It was Nick's first swim for a while as he had been away, and Fungie did come say hello. As Nick pointed out, Fungie seems to be initiating interactions with those swimmers who use the spin method, like OJ and Jenny, but not really interacting with the more energetic swimming motion of swimmers like Nick and myself.
I stuck the paddle off the pier for a while and Fungie did come in for a quick nudge but that was the end of the swim for the day. Glad to report that beach was in excellent condition, although, there is a sheen of diesel on the water and a slight smell. With time it will hopefully all be back to normal.

Swim time: 30 mins
Fungie time: 5 mins
Swimmers: Nick, OJ and Keith
Click here to email Keith
Date Posted: 13/02/2002
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