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Irish Dolphins - Interactions between dolphins and people.  Including Fungie the Dingle Dolphin
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Sunday, 24 March 2002

After over a month of not swimming with Fungie both OJ and I were looking forward to getting in the water with him. Suzanne had gone out with her rowing team and they were heading into Sladin at great speed by the time Nick, Vinny and Laura (not swimming); OJ and I got to the beach.
Fungie had been seen in the channel but as soon as the rowing boat started heading back to the harbour he came flying over, leaping next to the boat a couple of times. They had a game of circles as well, which was great to watch as four sets of oars swung in unison as Fungie sprinted around the boat.
Jenny and I were frantically getting changed as this stage, knowing that Fungie was energetic and ready for a swim. Spurred on by the screams from the girls on the boat we ran down to the water. But as my fin touched the water Fungie submerged not to be seen again until we were walking back to the car an hour later. Sometimes there is no knowing what he is going to do next and that is the beauty of swimming with a wild dolphin but just sometimes....

Nick and Suzanne had swum earlier in the week and had a great swim and Flannery's early morning swims have started up again so Fungie is getting plenty of attention.

Swimmers: Keith and OJ
Swim time: 30 min
Fungie time 0 min

Keith Buchanan
Date Posted: 25/03/2002
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