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Irish Dolphins - Interactions between dolphins and people.  Including Fungie the Dingle Dolphin
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Monday 03 December 2001

Smiley happy people High tides, big swell, not usually the most ideal conditions to swim in but it was absolutely brilliant today!
Its worth noting that I do not recommend people getting into the water in rough conditions, we have been swimming here for years now and know the tides and currents well, and we are all strong swimmers, so if you are going to swim, use your common sense, if you feel unsure, don’t swim!
We had to time our entry into the water as the swell was very big, and as it was very close to high tide there was only a tiny bit of the beach left to use. It was all worth it. Fungie was in flying form with all of us. He stayed with us for most of the swim today, which was really great. He wasn’t jumping a lot, but in saying that he did a beauty right over Jen who was not expecting it at all. Jen was having a bad day and Fungie gave her some special attention. Did he pick up on her feelings? Only he knows.
The dolphin was being really sneaky, we were all slightly more alert due to the conditions and he picked up on this and was getting great fun (or so it seemed) out of sneaking up on us and making us jump and scream. Just when you thought he had gone, he lunged out of the water, inches from you. It was wonderful as he kept us all in a tight group again, and spent equal time with us all. Although as I said, Jen got a bit of T.L.C. from him.
Conditions are set to improve tomorrow, although there should still be a bit of swell, which makes things interesting.
Suzanne Murtagh

Date Posted: 03/12/2001
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