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Irish Dolphins - Interactions between dolphins and people.  Including Fungie the Dingle Dolphin
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Sun, 23rd June

On June 23rd and 26th we had the swim of our lifetime with a very special and beautiful dolphin, Dusty. This was a most impressive experience that we should never forget. From the first minute Dusty came very close to us, and allowed us to touch her soft skin. Although Ute was swimming with her, she gave us all some attention.

For me, the most impressive part was to swim underwater beside her, while she was making clicking sounds. When we had to leave the water she swam all around the rocks, and did not leave before we gave her a last stroke over her head. The fact that she came so close to the rocks made me worry a little.

On the first day we met Jan Ploeg at the 2nd spot (at that time we did not know it was him). He helped us by giving information about the sea and about Dusty. We were a little afraid of the sea and the fact that Dusty was coming so close to the shore. But he was really friendly and give us reassurance.

We cannot wait to meet her again, but we have to be patient until the next vacation.

What did also made a boat trip to meet the Shannon Dolphins. It was unbelievable to see this beautiful animals in their natural habitat, eating and playing.

And again: thanks a lot!!! Especially Jan Ploeg for helping us and giving us information.

Marco van der Kleij and Soebhana Hamidullahkhan (from Holland)

Date Posted: 23/06/2002
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